12 Awesome Tips For New Homeschool Parents — from an Expert!


gif by Ulkar- purchased by the author

You’re probably distance learning to keep your family safe. Teachers have set up virtual classrooms for their students, and that is amazing! Now it’s up to you to make sure your kids listen to the lessons and do their schoolwork. That can be a daunting task.

It isn’t easy to keep kids focused on a screen unless Tik-Tok is scrolling. I’ve homeschooled my three kids for 16 years, and I’ve picked up a few pointers along the way. Here are some ideas to help you stay sane while managing your kids’ education.

Distance learning Gif by Ulkar — purchased by the author

Create a Homeschool Zone

Let your kids help you create a homeschool zone. Younger children can choose their favorite pillows and stuffed animals.

Older kids can set up a beanbag chair and choose cool lighting, posters, and decorate it in their favorite colors.

Be sure that the homeschool zone is set apart from other activities. It’s essential only to allow your kids to hang out there while doing school activities. This rule immediately puts a kid in the right mindset when they move into that space — and they will want to be there!

Create a School Zone! gif by Ulkar — purchased by the author

To Fidget or not to Fidget

Teachers in public schools are beginning to recognize that fidgeting with a quiet toy can help a student focus on their lessons. Your child probably has several fidgets already. If not, you can find a wide variety of inexpensive fidgets online.

Make a fidget box and let your kids choose a new fidget with each lesson. Fidgets work just as well for teens as little kids. Give it a try. You might be surprised!

Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle — Yeah!

It’s difficult for kids to sit still for long periods. A public school teacher in North Carolina installed bicycle pedals under her students’ desks to help wiggly kids.¹

Wiggling in your seat at school can be distracting for other students. However, you are at homeschool. Let the kids wiggle to their heart’s content!

Movies are better with a snack! image by Ulkar — purchased by the author

Snack it Up!

Focusing on a lesson through a screen can be difficult. You can add some spice to this time by planning a snack while the kids watch.

Eating in classrooms at school may not be allowed, but eating at home is no problem! You can easily set up the laptop on the dining room table or give your kid a tub of popcorn. Movies are always better with a snack!

Take a Break

If your child is watching a prerecorded lesson, and it’s running long, or they are having an incredibly hard time focusing — take a break. A simple five-minute break to stretch and walk around can help a kid better absorb their lessons.

Draw notes! Gif by Ulkar — purchased by the author

Draw Notes

Taking notes while listening to a teacher is always a good idea. I’ve found it helpful to let kids draw out their notes and add the info after the video.

Once the video ends, have the kids show you their masterpieces. They will tell you all about their lesson without realizing they are still in school.

Tricking kids into learning is one of my all-time favorite past-times! (Insert evil Mom laugh- Brah! Hahahaha!)


According to Dr. John J. Ratey, associate clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School — exercise not only helps the brain get ready to learn. It also makes retaining information easier. ²

“First, it [exercise] optimizes your mind-set to improve alertness, attention, and motivation; second, it prepares and encourages nerve cells to bind to one another, which is the cellular basis for logging in new information; and third, it spurs the development of new nerve cells from stem cells in the hippocampus.” -Dr. John J. Ratey

My son learned to count past a hundred by counting his jumps on a mini-trampoline. He wanted to keep jumping, so he asked for more numbers to memorize.

If you have typically restless kid or they having a difficult day — add some exercise to their learning. Exercise works exceptionally well for little kids. Let them march in place or walk-in circles while they are learning something new.

Excercise! Image by Ulkar — purchased by the author

The Sound of Music

When older kids are doing paperwork, let them wear headphones, and listen to music. Music can help them stay calm and focused while doing work; they might find tedious.

“Music activates both the left and right brain at the same time, and the activation of both hemispheres can maximize learning and improve memory,” says Dr. Masha Godkin ³

For little kids, playing soft classical music in the background can create a calm environment that can help them stay focused. When they are taking a break and have time to move, play some fun upbeat tunes and clap along!

Sleep In

If your school isn’t having a live conference for school, sleep in! It’s difficult having your kids at home all day — especially when they are stuck inside. It’s a good idea to enjoy the perks that come along with homeschooling, too!

Sleep in! Image by Ulkar — purchased by the author

Be Flexible

One of my favorite things about homeschool is the flexibility it affords my family. We can arrange lessons to fit our lifestyle, which is pretty great! Unless keeping a rigid schedule is crucial to you or your child — you can change things up as needed! Allowing kids to complete their lessons in the afternoon or early evening can help you make it through a rough day.

Don’t Forget Adult Time

Let the kids watch a movie in a separate room and catch up on that book you’ve meant to read. Take a bubble bath while your partner takes over kid-duty for a while.

However you can manage it, you are going to need to relax. You’ve got several weeks of homeschool ahead of you before summer vacation!

Image by Ulkar — purchased by the author

Enjoy your Kids

The biggest reward that comes with homeschool is the extra time with your kids. Remember that your life will get busy again soon, and you won’t see as much of them. Create fun moments for you to enjoy together while you can.

I suggest you keep a blog or scrapbook of your time together. You and your kids are a part of history!

Remember this!

You’re doing it! You are homeschooling your kids, and you are doing a great job! It isn’t always going to go smoothly, but you and your kids will get through this.

Who knows? You may just find that you look back fondly at this time quarantined with your children.

Enjoy your kids! image by Ulkar — purchased by the author

Resources for Homeschool


Brainpop is an engaging website with videos, games, and comics that will help your children learn everything from history to science and technology. During school. They are offering free membership to those who are affected by school closing due to COVID-19. Check it out here!


Ted-Ed is a free resource for videos that are animated and voiced by various talented artists. The videos are exciting, and you are guaranteed to learn something new along with your kids. Check it out here!


Homeschool.com is a website that has been around for years. Homeschool parents run the site and provide valuable resources, ideas, and communities for homeschool parents. Check it out here!


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